Posted By Wilkgard | April 12, 2021, 7:56 am
Radio today comes in 3 formats: AM, FM AND DIGITAL. Let’s first look at AM. This is what has been used for many many years as the very long wavelength makes it functional for use...
Posted By Wilkgard | April 12, 2021, 7:42 am
How do you know what caravan wall plate/wall socket to use? The signal is energy and like all energy, you can spend it well and get a result or you can waste it. Our range...
Posted By Wilkgard | April 10, 2021, 4:30 am
Written: June 27, 2018 To many caravanners, the concepts related to television signals and antennas is a foggy subject. As a result, they fall into the trap of relying on an “expert” to advise them...
Posted By Wilkgard | April 10, 2021, 2:21 am
We sometimes criticise our Communications Ministry for poor choices, but when you consider we have nearly 5000 transmitters across the country, we are not doing too badly. That is one transmitter for every 5200 people....
Posted By Wilkgard | April 6, 2021, 8:05 am
Written: July 11, 2016 TV Signal Glossary for Beginners - a quick understanding of the basic terms you should know about this subject. I thought I would put pen to paper and explain some...
Posted By Wilkgard | April 6, 2021, 7:59 am
Written: November 29, 2018 Buy Right! Buy once! Getting the picture on the road you want requires a little bit of effort to understand what is actually needed to get that result. While getting a...